It is a software application that will help you gain control and visibility of your welding processes and operations in terms of maintenance, quality and productivity.
Welds Tracker provides easy access to your welding programs and data from any internet connected device. Because Welds Tracker is cloud-based, your valuable information is protected from threats like hard disk crashes, ransom ware, fires and floods. It is a native cloud application so it does not require Microsoft Remote Desktop to run. This simplifies its implementation and improves system performance and reliability. Cloud-based also means that your IT staff won’t have to deal with setting up and maintaining an in-house data server to get the benefits of Welds Tracker.


Your welding activity from A to Z

  • Track welds deviation;
  • Record welding parameters and robots program reteaching;
  • Identify reasons of downtime related to the welding processes.


Your quality under control

  • Identify weld issues instantly and correct them;
  • Keep track of your quality alerts with everyone informed;
  • Cross-Section check available on your fingertips.


Detailed reports and charts

  • Generate reports of your parameter changes;
  • Visualize change patterns and statistics via dynamic charts;
  • Analyze custom periodic reports and sort your priorities;
  • Export reports to Excel sheets and/or PDFs files.


Hustle free Audits!

  • All data in one place;
  • No more stress about lost papers;
  • Impress your auditors by your modern way of tracking your welds quality;
  • Reduce audits time by more than 60%.


Audits hustle free!

Through vigorous attention to detail, and perhaps good luck, companies that haven’t dealt with major issues yet as a result of inaccurate documentation might be living by the motto “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” without recognizing the potential exposure to vulnerabilities associated with inaccurate documentation.

Welds Tracker make it easy and flawless for both the audited and the auditor, the audited will present his/her clear standings when it comes to welds programs and parameters, quality assurance and stability of the welding processes (all in one place), where the auditor does not have to waste his/her time trying to figure out things browsing all accumulated paper work, instead, by using Welds Tracker, he/she will be able to check everything needed in one place! saving therefore, the time and the hustle for himself/herself and the audited person.

Built with users in mind

Welds Tracker is built by welding expert with extensive experience in the welding operations and not by some fancy software corporate. From the login all the way to the reports extraction and data analysis, every interaction is designed with the end user in mind, taking in consideration all the limitations that might occur, such as user’s computer skills or the limitation of time that the user has to log the data in.

Welds Tracker is designed by the person in the field for the person in the field.  Other programs aim their software at computer people who must try to learn welding, then learn reporting, etc. In order to use Welds Tracker, all you need is the most basic computer experience… that’s it; all operations within the application can be done with easy to use buttons on the screen. It is that Simple!

Accessible. Anytime. Anywhere!

Welds Tracker is accessible anytime and anywhere as it is built in the cloud. Every user will be assigned a private and secured login credentials, with which he/she will be able to access welds data from any device regardless of the screen size (desktop, laptop, tablet and smart phone), as long as it’s connected to the internet.

Being deployed in the cloud makes Welds Tracker 100% accessible to everyone involved, allowing group discussions and making support and assistance available whenever an issue is raised.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”FEATURES” main_heading_color=”#497da5″ sub_heading_color=”#58595b” alignment=”left” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Poppins|font_call:Poppins|variant:500″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:500;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:16px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:20px;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Poppins|font_call:Poppins|variant:700″ sub_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:36px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:45px;”]Accessible. Anytime. Anywhere![/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”25″]

It is accessible anytime as it is built in cloud. Every user will be assigned a private login credentials, he will be able to access data from any device.

Reduce Maintenance Cost

One of the best strategies to keeping your plant’s assets healthy is to have the suitable measurement system in place. While equipment upkeep and parts replacements are necessary, there are ways you can reduce your maintenance costs without decreasing your processing facility’s operational efficiencies.

By measuring your welding parameters variations constantly and accurately, you can determine what the common causes are and extract precise patterns leading to potential process failures.

WELDS TRACKER has the capability of gathering every single change with all necessary details, and when it’s needed, the user can retrieve the data and perform a detailed root-cause analysis using different graphic representations offered by WELDS TRACKER.

Once all necessary corrections are implemented, Welds Tracker will continue tracking the variations routinely while the corrective actions are applied, until the issue is resolved.

By doing this we:

  • Decreased labor costs
  • Reduced parts purchases
  • Increased the efficiency and overall uptime of the system

Extend asset life and increase the efficiency

Welds Tracker is software that can help you digitize and optimize your welding operations to reach new levels of efficiency. It is built in industry-specific to address your unique welding challenges. Unlike other generic solutions that simply can’t tackle your issues. Welds Tracker will help you track, measure and analyse your welding assets, therefore, by applying appropriate/required corrections, you will be able to extend your assets life, increase the efficiency, maximize the reliability and performance of assets and improve the quality of your products.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”FEATURES” main_heading_color=”#497da5″ sub_heading_color=”#58595b” alignment=”left” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Poppins|font_call:Poppins|variant:500″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:500;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:16px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:20px;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Poppins|font_call:Poppins|variant:700″ sub_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:36px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:45px;”]Extend asset life and increase the efficiency[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”25″]

WT is a software that can help you digitize and optimize your welding operations to reach new levels of efficiency.


Organized file storage

Manage and store all your welders’ and robots backup programs in one central access controlled place. Use them across different welders/robots or machines. Update and archive superseded documents with ease.

Welds tracker will allow you to record and store every single change to either your welding programs or robot’s welding path’s change. With complete details of who executed the change, why and when he/she did the change.

One solution for all your needs

Welds tracker drives the welding aspect of your assets with standard, critical documentation, keeping everyone informed and organized. We built Welds Tracker with ALL users in mind, employing a simple, truly simple-to-use interface for efficient, effective, technically useful welding equipment management for:

MONITORING: by having access to results of every “Tear down” or “Cross section check” tests when they happen

PLANNING: by allowing supervisors and managers to assign jobs to their employees, appropriately by qualifications and expertise.

TRACKING: by recording each and every change to each and every weld program across the entire plant.

ORDERING: by Instant access to accurate, timely reports on everything monitored, hence, instant ordering of any required spare parts such as welding tips or electrodes.

CONTROLLING: by Password protection implementation. Who does what and when, based on their role. Including notifications in case of parameters limits exceeding.

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”FEATURES” main_heading_color=”#497da5″ sub_heading_color=”#58595b” alignment=”left” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Poppins|font_call:Poppins|variant:500″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:500;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:16px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:20px;” sub_heading_font_family=”font_family:Poppins|font_call:Poppins|variant:700″ sub_heading_style=”font-weight:700;” sub_heading_font_size=”desktop:36px;” sub_heading_line_height=”desktop:45px;”]One solution for all your needs[/ultimate_heading][ultimate_spacer height=”25″]

Welds tracker drives the welding aspect of your assets with standard, critical documentation, keeping everyone informed and organized.

Welds tracker built with users in mind

Globally Scalable, Highly Affordable

With its pricing based on usage, and its global network of servers, Welds Tracker offers a platform that you can deploy at all your locations and have your welding technicians, coordinators, engineers and supervisors work seamlessly.

When your most qualified staff has access to welding data and documents at their fingertips, it would help reduce your overheads too. This is software that will pay for itself many times over.

Why Welds Tracker

Measuring and improving welding productivity comes down to keeping track of the details.

Manufacturing managers and supervisors often look blindly at welding operations without really understanding how to measure and assess productivity. A common phrase heard in the shop could be something along the lines of: “I see arc radiation flashing on and off, therefore, parts are getting welded.”

The danger with that is that competitors both locally and globally are introducing lean manufacturing methods to all aspects of their operations, including welding.

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